The Science of Getting Rich: A Casual Guide to Boosting Your Bank Balance

Unpacking Wallace Wattles’ “The Science of Getting Rich”: A Modern Take

Alright, let’s dive into the crux of wealth accumulation, but with a twist. We’re channeling the wisdom of Wallace Wattles, author of the iconic “The Science of Getting Rich.” Published over a century ago, this book isn’t your average financial advice pamphlet. It’s a philosophical guide that combines mindset, the law of attraction, and practical steps to wealth. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s break it down, Wattles-style, with a contemporary flair.

The Power of Thought: Wattles’ Wealthy Mindset

Wattles kicks things off with a bang, emphasizing the power of thought. It’s not just about thinking “I want money” and watching it rain dollars. It’s deeper. Wattles suggests that to attract wealth, you need to truly believe in your capacity to acquire it and maintain a positive, growth-oriented mindset. It’s like setting your mental GPS to “Wealthville” and keeping faith in the journey.

Acting in a Certain Way: Wattles’ Blueprint for Action

It’s not all in the mind, though. Wattles argues that getting rich requires action, but not just any action. He talks about acting ‘in a Certain Way,’ which essentially means taking efficient, purposeful steps towards your financial goals. It’s about doing things that move the needle, not just being busy for the sake of it. Think strategic investments, smart career moves, and judicious financial decisions.

Gratitude: The Unsung Hero of Wealth

Here’s something you might not expect in a book about getting rich: the importance of gratitude. Wattles believed that being grateful for what you already have sets the stage for receiving more. It’s about appreciating your current wealth (no matter how small) and the opportunities around you. This positive energy supposedly attracts even more positivity and abundance into your life.

The Role of Creativity and Vision

Wattles wasn’t about cutthroat competition or stepping over others to get ahead. Instead, he championed the idea of creating value. By using your imagination and creativity to offer something unique or solve problems, you’re not just earning wealth; you’re contributing to the world’s wealth. It’s a win-win.

Environment and Influence: Aligning Your Surroundings

Echoing Wattles’ sentiments, the people and environment you surround yourself with play a crucial role in your journey to riches. He hints at the idea that being around people who also aspire to grow and succeed can elevate your own ambitions. It’s about creating a supportive ecosystem that nurtures your wealth-building endeavors.

The Science Behind Wealth: More Than Just Hard Work

Wattles made it clear: getting rich isn’t solely about grinding day in and day out. There’s a science to it, involving the right mindset, strategic actions, and a bit of universal magic (a.k.a. the law of attraction). It’s about aligning your desires with your actions and tapping into the abundant opportunities the universe has to offer.

The Importance of Giving Back

Wattles also touched on the significance of generosity. Sharing your wealth not only helps others but also reaffirms your belief in abundance and strengthens your connection to the flow of prosperity. It’s the idea that there’s plenty to go around, and by giving, you’re not depleting your resources but rather participating in the cycle of abundance.

Staying the Course: Persistence Pays Off

Finally, Wattles acknowledged that the path to wealth isn’t always smooth. There will be setbacks and challenges. But the key, he advised, is to stay persistent, keep faith in the principles, and continuously apply the ‘Certain Way’ of thinking and acting. Adaptability and resilience, combined with unwavering belief, are your allies on this journey.

Wrapping Up: A Wattles-Inspired Wealth Journey

So, there you have it—a modern interpretation of Wallace Wattles’ “The Science of Getting Rich.” It’s fascinating how a book from the early 1900s still holds relevance today, blending mindset, action, and a touch of spirituality into a timeless wealth-building guide. Remember, it’s not just about piling up cash; it’s about cultivating a rich life, rich in experiences, contributions, and, yes, financial freedom. And according to Wattles, the universe is ready to deliver, if only you’re prepared to receive.

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The Laws of the Universe in Personal Development

Have you ever felt like the universe is sending you signs, or wondered why certain things happen the way they do? It’s as if there’s an unseen guidebook, dictating the flow of life, love, success, and even setbacks. Welcome to the intriguing world of the laws of the universe, a topic that’s as vast as space itself and just as mysterious.

In the realm of personal development, understanding these laws isn’t just about getting philosophical; it’s about harnessing them to steer our lives in the direction we dream of. So, grab your cosmic coffee, and let’s embark on this interstellar journey together.

1. The Law of Attraction: Your Wish is the Universe’s Command

Let’s start with the superstar of universal laws, the Law of Attraction. Simply put, it suggests that like attracts like. Positive thoughts bring positive outcomes, and negative thoughts… well, you get the drift. It’s the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring positive or negative experiences into their life.

Imagine your mind as a powerful magnet. What are you attracting? If your thoughts are constantly on what’s lacking, you might just find yourself in a never-ending loop of scarcity. Shift that mindset to gratitude and watch as the universe starts conspiring to bring you more of what you’re thankful for.

2. The Law of Vibration: Tune Into Your Inner Frequency

Everything in the universe, including you and me, is in constant motion, vibrating at different frequencies. This law suggests that the vibe you’re on determines your experiences. Ever walked into a room and felt an immediate sense of comfort or unease, without anyone saying a word? That’s the Law of Vibration at play.

Your personal ‘vibe’ is a mix of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. By raising your vibration through positive thoughts, love, and gratitude, you attract higher frequency experiences into your life. It’s like tuning your radio to the best station ever – one that plays only the hits of happiness, love, and success.

3. The Law of Action: Dreams Demand Doing

Dreaming is great, but without action, dreams remain just that – dreams. The Law of Action is the universe’s nudge to get moving. It’s about ensuring that your actions support your thoughts, dreams, and emotions.

Want to write a book, start a business, or run a marathon? Dreaming about it is the first step, but taking consistent, directed action is what will make it a reality. It’s like telling the universe, “Hey, I’m serious about this,” and the universe responds, “I’ve got your back.”

4. The Law of Correspondence: As Above, So Below

This law is all about patterns. The patterns that exist in the universe also exist within each of us. Ever noticed how personal turmoil can reflect in your external environment? A cluttered room might reflect a cluttered mind. By bringing harmony and order to your internal world, you’ll start to see it mirrored in your external world.

It’s a call to introspection and alignment. When you align your inner world – your values, beliefs, and emotions – with your outer actions, you create a harmony that resonates with the universe’s rhythm.

5. The Law of Cause and Effect: Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Reaction

This law is pretty straightforward and scientific at its core. Every action has a reaction, and this holds true in our lives as well. The choices we make and the actions we take have consequences. It’s the universe’s way of teaching us responsibility.

Understanding this law empowers us to make choices that lead to positive outcomes. It’s like playing cosmic chess – think a few moves ahead and choose actions that lead to a checkmate in your favor.

6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: Change is the Only Constant

Energy is always in motion, and so is life. This law suggests that we have the power to change our circumstances by transforming our energy. It’s the ultimate encouragement for personal growth and development.

Feeling stuck? Change your energy. Dive into new experiences, learn new things, and surround yourself with people who uplift you. It’s about keeping the energy flowing, transforming stagnation into motion, and watching as your life transforms along with it.

7. The Law of Relativity: Everything is Relative

This law teaches us about perspective. Every life situation is a neutral scene until we label it. What seems like a major setback can be viewed as a valuable lesson or a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things.

It’s a call to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to compare our situations not with others, but with our own past experiences. This helps us maintain a sense of gratitude and keeps us grounded in the face of adversity.

8. The Law of Polarity: Opposites Are Essential

Life is a balance of opposites – light and dark, good and bad, up and down. This law suggests that these opposites are actually complementary and necessary for our growth. Challenges and hardships are not just obstacles; they are opportunities for growth, providing the contrast we need to appreciate the good.

It’s about embracing the full spectrum of life’s experiences, understanding that each has its place and purpose in our personal development journey.

9. The Law of Rhythm: Everything Moves in Cycles

Life is cyclical, much like the seasons. This law reminds us that there are times for action and times for rest, times for growth and times for reflection. It’s about flowing with life’s natural rhythms, not against them.

Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe it’s a sign to slow down, reflect, and recharge. Conversely, if you’re feeling stagnant, perhaps it’s time to ramp up your actions and ride the wave of momentum.

10. The Law of Gender: The Dance of Masculine and Feminine Energies

This law speaks to the balance of masculine and feminine energies within us all, regardless of gender. It’s about finding harmony between action (masculine energy) and intuition (feminine energy).

Embracing both aspects within us leads to a more balanced, fulfilling approach to life. It’s the dance of doing and being, of strategizing and intuiting, that leads to holistic personal development.

In Conclusion

The laws of the universe are more than just esoteric concepts; they’re practical tools for navigating the complexities of life. By understanding and applying these laws, we can align ourselves with the universe’s rhythm, turning our personal development journey into a cosmic dance with the stars.

Remember, the universe is always speaking to us, through whispers, signs, and the silent pull of our intuition. It’s up to us to listen, learn, and leverage these laws to create the life we’ve always dreamed of.

So, the next time you’re gazing up at the night sky, remember: the same laws that guide the stars are there to guide you, too. The universe is vast, but in the grand cosmic scheme, we’re all connected, each of us a star in the human galaxy, shining bright with potential.

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The Stickperson: A Visual Representation of Our Mind

Conscious Mind—Thinking Mind

The top half of the Stickperson represents our conscious mind. Here’s what it entails:

  1. Thinking and Reasoning: The conscious mind is where we think, reason, and make decisions. It houses our free will—the ability to choose our focus and actions.
  2. Sensory Factors: Through our senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste), we interact with the external world. When we allow external stimuli to dominate our thoughts, we focus on “what is” rather than “what can be.”
  3. Intellectual Faculties: Our will and imagination reside here. By directing our attention inward, we tap into the energy flowing through us. We can build any idea or thought we desire.

Subconscious Mind—Conditioned Mind

The bottom half of the Stickperson symbolizes our subconscious mind:

  1. Function in Every Cell: The subconscious operates in every cell of our body. It’s not limited to our head but permeates our entire being.
  2. Acceptance, No Rejection: Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious doesn’t reject thoughts. Whatever we consciously impress upon it—whether true or not—it accepts. It knows no limits except those we impose.
  3. Fixed Ideas and Habits: Repetitive thoughts become fixed ideas, which express themselves in feelings and actions. These fixed ideas, often called habits, shape our lives.

Body—Instrument of the Mind

Our physical body serves as the instrument through which our mind interacts with the material world. It’s the vessel that houses our consciousness and subconsciousness.

The Power Within

The Stickperson reminds us that we possess an innate power—a force far superior to external conditions. By directing our thoughts consciously, we can harness this power to create the results we desire. Whether we build empowering beliefs or self-limiting ones, our thoughts shape our reality.

Remember, simplicity doesn’t diminish significance. If we truly grasp the Stickperson’s essence, it unveils a world of possibility, promise, and transformation.

So, as you go about your day, visualize the Stickperson within you. Understand that your thoughts—whether positive or negative—shape your destiny. Choose wisely, for your mind is the architect of your life.

P.S. If you’re eager to explore this further, consider diving into Bob Proctor’s New Lead the Field Coaching Program, where timeless wisdom meets practical application.1

Attitude: The Magic Word


In the vast tapestry of human experience, there exists a single word that wields immense power—the word that can shape destinies, alter perceptions, and ignite transformation. That word is “Attitude.”

What Is Attitude?

Attitude is not merely a fleeting emotion or a passing thought. It is the composite of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Imagine it as a creative cycle that begins in your conscious mind with your choice of thoughts. These thoughts then ripple through your emotions, coloring your feelings, and ultimately manifesting in your behavior.

The Magic Within Attitude

  1. The Seed of Success: Just as a tiny seed holds the potential to grow into a mighty oak, your attitude contains the seeds of success. Earl Nightingale, in his timeless program “Lead the Field,” emphasized the importance of sowing these seeds consciously. Attitude determines whether you sow seeds of abundance, resilience, and positivity or seeds of doubt, limitation, and negativity.
  2. The Power of Choice: Attitude is a choice—a decision you make every moment. It’s not about circumstances; it’s about how you respond to them. When faced with challenges, setbacks, or opportunities, your attitude shapes your approach. Will you see obstacles as insurmountable barriers or as stepping stones toward growth?
  3. The Ripple Effect: Attitude is contagious. Like a stone dropped into a calm pond, it sends ripples outward. Your attitude influences those around you—your family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers. A positive attitude uplifts, inspires, and creates a harmonious environment. Conversely, a negative attitude spreads discord and stifles progress.

Nurturing Your Attitude Garden

  1. Mindful Cultivation: Be mindful of the thoughts you entertain. Weed out negativity, self-doubt, and fear. Plant seeds of gratitude, possibility, and resilience. Water them daily with affirmations and empowering beliefs.
  2. Mirror Reflection: Observe your attitude through your actions. Are you nurturing a garden of kindness, determination, and compassion? Or are you inadvertently planting thorns of criticism, impatience, and resentment?
  3. Daily Tending: Like any garden, your attitude requires consistent care. Read uplifting books, listen to inspiring talks, and surround yourself with positive influences. Remember, attitude is not a one-time planting; it’s a lifelong cultivation.

The Transformational Shift

Embrace the magic word—Attitude—and witness the transformation. Align your thoughts, feelings, and actions toward growth, abundance, and joy. As Earl Nightingale wisely said, “We become what we think about.” So, let your thoughts be seeds of greatness, and let your attitude be the fertile soil where dreams take root.

Remember, you hold the wand—the magic wand of attitude. Wave it wisely, and watch your world transform.

P.S. If you’d like to explore more wisdom-packed lessons, delve into “The New Lead The Field” coaching program. Attitude is just the beginning. 1

Inspired by the teachings of Earl Nightingale and the transformative power of attitude.

1: Learn more about The New Lead The Field coaching program on our website: The New Lead The Field Coaching Program

Feeling is the Secret: Unlocking Your Inner Power


In the bustling theater of life, where dreams and reality intertwine, there exists a profound truth: consciousness shapes our world. Neville Goddard, a luminary in the realm of metaphysics, unveils this secret in his seminal work, “Feeling is the Secret.” Let us embark on a journey to understand the essence of this revelation and how it can transform our lives.

The Law of Consciousness

  1. Consciousness as Reality: Imagine consciousness as the master artist, painting the canvas of existence. The external world merely reflects our inner state. As Neville asserts, “The world outside is Man’s consciousness objectified.” Every thought, every emotion, contributes to this grand masterpiece.
  2. The Dual Nature: Our consciousness divides into two realms: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind generates ideas, while the subconscious brings them to life. Picture them as cosmic dance partners—the conscious, the male, and the subconscious, the female.

Impressing the Subconscious

  1. The Creative Process: To manifest desires, we must imprint our ideas upon the subconscious. How? Through feeling. Every emotion leaves an indelible mark. The subconscious doesn’t originate ideas; it mirrors our feelings. Thus, we become architects of our reality.
  2. The Dominant Feeling: When two feelings collide, the stronger prevails. “I am” holds more power than “I will be.” To materialize an idea, feel it as reality now. The subconscious responds to persuasion, not compulsion.

Practical Application

  1. Assume the Feeling: Want health, happiness, or success? Assume the feeling of already having it. Deny sensory evidence to the contrary. The “how” dissolves; focus on the achieved desire.
  2. Discipline Your Mind: Control your thoughts and feelings. Dwell only on positivity. Wish for others what you’d wish for yourself. Your inner landscape shapes the outer world.


“Feeling is the Secret” isn’t just a book; it’s a blueprint for conscious creation. As you read these words, remember: you are the alchemist. Feel the reality you seek, and watch miracles unfold.

Are you ready to wield this secret? The canvas awaits your brushstroke.

Learn More Here


  1. Neville Goddard’s “Feeling is the Secret” Notes1
  2. The Feeling Is The Secret By Neville Goddard2
  3. Reality Manifesting: Feeling is the Secret Explained3
  4. Medium: Feeling is the Secret4

Remember, dear reader, your feelings hold the key to the universe. 🌟

Product Overview: 6 Minutes to Success by Proctor Gallagher Institute

Product Overview: 6 Minutes to Success by Proctor Gallagher Institute


6 Minutes to Success is a transformative personal development program offered by the Proctor Gallagher Institute, designed to empower individuals to achieve their fullest potential in just a few minutes each day. Rooted in the teachings of Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher, this program leverages decades of experience in the field of personal growth and success to provide users with practical tools and strategies for creating the life they desire.


Main Features

1. Daily Video Lessons: Each day, subscribers receive a short, impactful video lesson delivered by Bob Proctor himself. These lessons cover a wide range of topics, including goal setting, mindset mastery, productivity, abundance mindset, and more.

2. Actionable Insights: The program emphasizes actionable insights that users can immediately apply to their lives. Bob Proctor’s teachings are clear, concise, and backed by real-world examples, making it easy for participants to implement positive changes.

3. Progress Tracking: 6 Minutes to Success incorporates progress tracking tools to help users stay accountable and monitor their personal growth journey. Participants can track their daily habits, set goals, and measure their progress over time.

4. Community Support: Subscribers gain access to a vibrant online community of like-minded individuals who are also committed to personal development. This supportive network provides encouragement, accountability, and a platform for sharing insights and experiences.



1. Increased Productivity: By dedicating just six minutes a day to focused personal development, participants can experience significant improvements in productivity and efficiency in all areas of their lives.

2. Positive Mindset Development: 6 Minutes to Success helps individuals cultivate a positive mindset and overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding them back from achieving their goals.

3. Enhanced Goal Achievement: With daily guidance from Bob Proctor, subscribers learn effective goal-setting techniques and strategies for turning their dreams into achievable realities.

4. Greater Confidence and Self-Esteem: Through consistent practice and application of the program’s principles, users develop greater confidence in themselves and their abilities, leading to increased self-esteem and self-assurance.

5. Improved Relationships: The insights gained from 6 Minutes to Success can positively impact all areas of life, including personal relationships and professional interactions, fostering deeper connections and more fulfilling interactions.

Standing Out in the Personal Development Niche:

1. Expert Guidance: As a collaboration between Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher, two highly respected figures in the personal development space, 6 Minutes to Success offers unparalleled expertise and credibility.

2. Convenience and Accessibility: The program’s short daily videos make it accessible to even the busiest individuals, eliminating the common barrier of time constraints often associated with personal development programs.

3. Proven Results: With a track record of success spanning decades, the teachings of Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher have positively impacted the lives of countless individuals worldwide, making 6 Minutes to Success a trusted choice for those seeking real and lasting change.

4. Community Support: The inclusion of a supportive online community enhances the user experience by fostering a sense of belonging and accountability, further increasing the likelihood of success.

In conclusion, 6 Minutes to Success stands out in the personal development niche as a highly effective, convenient, and results-driven program that empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and create extraordinary lives. With its expert guidance, actionable insights, and supportive community, it offers a transformative journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.

Click Here To Sign Up

Why Your Mindset Is Critical To Success

Why Your Mindset Is Critical To Success

In the intricate dance of life, your mindset serves as the compass guiding your journey towards success. It is the fertile soil from which your aspirations spring, and the lens through which you perceive the world. In this article, we delve into the profound influence of your mindset, exploring how positive thinking, a growth mindset, and effective goal setting can collectively shape your destiny.

Mindset Matters

Your mindset is the cognitive framework that informs your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. It’s the silent architect of your reality. When you possess a positive thinking mindset, you view challenges as opportunities, setbacks as stepping stones, and failures as valuable lessons. This perspective empowers you to persevere in the face of adversity, ultimately increasing your chances of success.

A growth mindset is the ultimate game-changer. Unlike a fixed mindset, which assumes abilities are innate and unchangeable, a growth mindset believes in the power of effort and learning. It thrives on challenges, embraces failures, and continuously seeks improvement. With a growth mindset, you’re not limited by your current abilities; instead, you see them as a starting point for development.

Goal Setting: The North Star of Achievement

Effective goal setting is the compass that directs your actions toward your desired destination. Goals provide focus, motivation, and a clear path forward. They transform vague desires into concrete objectives, making your journey to success more structured and attainable.

To harness the full potential of your mindset, combine it with the art of goal setting. Define your objectives with clarity, and break them down into manageable steps. As you achieve each milestone, your positive thinking and growth mindset will keep you motivated and resilient.

Consider this: With a positive thinking mindset, setbacks are reframed as opportunities for growth. A project delay becomes a chance to refine your approach, and a rejection serves as motivation to improve. This shift in perspective is the hallmark of those who understand the symbiotic relationship between mindset and success.

The Power of Perspective

Your mindset shapes your perception of the world, influencing your actions and reactions. It’s a subtle but potent force that can be harnessed to achieve greatness. A positive thinking mindset empowers you to see possibilities where others see obstacles. It fuels your determination and resilience.

In contrast, a negative mindset can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. It may lead to self-doubt, procrastination, and a fear of failure, all of which can hinder your progress. This is why cultivating a positive thinking and growth mindset is so crucial to achieving your goals.


In the grand tapestry of life, your mindset is the thread that weaves success into your story. Whether you approach life with a positive thinking mindset or embrace a growth mindset, your beliefs and attitudes will guide your journey. Combine these with effective goal setting, and you possess a formidable toolkit for achieving your dreams.

So, as you set forth on your quest for success, remember that your mindset is the linchpin. It’s the silent force that shapes your destiny. Embrace the power of positive thinking, nurture a growth mindset, and set your goals with intention. With these tools in hand, you can sculpt the future you desire.